Friday, November 23, 2012

Black Friday Marriage Survival

For 3 years in a row now, my husband and I have joined the madness of Black Friday.  We have never really had any major issues, and we usually get some great deals.  This year we were out of Walmart within minutes of getting what we came for, even made better time that last year.  Now I don't think many husbands enjoy going shopping with their wives, and I am sure there are times that mine would agree with that.  But my husband is so awesome...that man deals with the crazy women (me included) at Victoria's Secret and Bath and Body Works just for me.  He is damn near reaching sainthood in my books!  

We formulate a plan and carry it out to get in and out as quickly as possible, and we usually makes some friends along the way.  Last year we rocked Victoria's Secret, divide and conquer was the plan and it worked beautifully. He was the first in line at the checks out and we got the deals we went for.  This year, divided and conquer ruled once more as we set our plan of attack on Bath and Body Works.  We knew what we wanted, knew the locations and had the unlimited coupons all planned out.  We left there paying about $49.00 for over $310 worth of products.  HELL YEAH!

We made a few more stops on the way home, picked up a few more "coupon" times to put in our donation box we are taking to a local women's and children's shelter, got a few more deals and discussed the deals from the mall.  And not once did my husband complain.  We tend to make friends while we wait in lines, crowds and such.  We try to mention our volunteer work and the whole pay it forward belief in hopes of at least one or two people  picking up on it and doing something also.  And we are actually kind of entertaining at times, lol.  We brought extra coupons and handed them out to the ones we deemed to be nice enough and actually had a few heartfelt goodbyes and "happy holidays" as the lines were allowed in the stores.  

It does the mind and heart well to do good for others and makes you feel excited to get a few deals for yourself in the process.  I think that we do so well together with shopping, marriage and over all life because we know not to take things for granted.  We always try to pay it forward and we are humbled by the kindness that is returned.  So as the Christmas season hits high gear, slow it down a little.  Think of others and not just those you want to but presents for.  Think of those less fortunate, do a kind deed for them simply because it is the right thing to do.  Spend a little extra time with your spouse discussing the idea and making a plan to do good...I bet it helps keep your priorities in order and makes your marriage that much stronger.  Happy holidays everyone!

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