Wednesday, February 13, 2013

All You Need Is Love (and a gift once in a while)

 My husband is a great guy!  He works hard to help provide for our family, he listen's to my long detailed stories, my hair brained ideas/opinions, he is a positive force in the lives of our kids and he is the best cuddler!  It's not unusual for my husband to make a late night run to fill my car up with gas, give a timely back rub, or a great unexpected hug...BUT he’s not Mr. Romantic!  I am confidant in his monogamous love for me, and I don't really need any big flashy gifts to have that proven.  BUT, the girly girl in me really wants the flowers, candy and dinner scenario once in a while.  

I realize that Valentine's day is just once a year and love can be shown at any time...but come on now!  It's marked out for a reason, it's the one time a year that all the gifts are all laid out for you, it's a no brainer!  Hell, they are even on sale!  Ease of purchase, lower cost, happiness all around!  Yes, flowers die.  But they look so pretty for a few days.  And candy is not healthy, but a little treat is nice.  

I did get flowers last year.  It was 3 roses in a very pretty ceramic pot.  I still have them, dried of course.  It was a start!  He has great potential to be a romantic I tell ya!  He has a heart as big as the world and a soft side he doesn't show often.  Somehow he got the idea that I didn't like flowers as gifts.  Whoa!!!!  I happen to LOVE flowers!  I just don't like them when given as make up gifts.  My ex did that, and I hated it!  He could be a total asshole and think a dozen roses would make him more tolerable, I DON'T THINK SO.  Flowers for special occasions are fabulous!  They lift a lady's spirit and excitement!  It makes them feel special to receive such a thoughtful gift.  Especially when the color is carefully chosen.  Sometimes you have to look beyond red guys!   

OK, I think I am starting to ramble here so I better just sum it up.  We don't have to have a gift on Valentine's Day, but it is nice!  Flowers on occasion are sweet, candy is always good.  Jewelry can be great too, and gives you a chance to put a lot of thought into it!   This however is not a great idea, very heartfelt and sweet, but not ideal...Just saying!  Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Love is Patient, Love is Kind

This was part of the reading from our of the most happiest days of my life.  My best friend became my husband.  I consider myself blessed to have him in my life, he makes me feel pretty special and very much loved.  I could not ask for more...