Thursday, September 27, 2012

He's Not Perfect

This sums him up completely! And I wouldn't have him any other way...I love my husband!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Always Kiss Me Goodnight

I cannot say for certain if "rituals" make your marriage better or not.  I can say for certain though, I love my husband.  We have a routine, ritual, whatever you want to call it.  It ends our night, every night.  And without it, somethings seems off.  When it is missed or not done just the right way it throws off the whole next day.  

I have become so accustomed to it, and I don't know what I would do if it didn't happen anymore.  And it's not like it is done without emotion or feelings.  There is no mechanical feel to is done from the heart and with deep emotion.  I get excited at this time, I know it is about to happen!  It makes me feel so loved and wanted, I can't even explain it to you.  Now...get your mind out of the gutter, I am talking about our good night kiss routine! 

It is the same every single night and it never gets boring or mundane.  It is something that I look forward to so much that I am getting goosebumps just thinking about it!  It is special, sacred and all our's!  It means a lot to both of us and ends our night on a great note.  It is the prelude to me cuddling up in his arms and slowing drifting off to sleep.  I love my husband...  


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I Love My Husband

<---This says it all, (in the simple version).  I just simply love that man of mine.  He can make me smile on the saddest day, and he can make my smile bigger on the best day! 

This would be a more descriptive version --->
And it still does not say everything I feel.  I do try to tell him as often as possible how much he means to me.  I remind him frequently that he melts my heart with a glance.  I try to spoil him here and there to let him know he is appreciated. 

And although we are far from perfect, we are perfect for each other.  I have never felt more sense of belonging.  His faithfulness  makes me feel unconditionally loved and respected more than I have ever been.  This blog may not seem to have much of point to those reading it...but it gets the message to my husband, and that is all that counts. 

So ladies, there is nothing wrong with letting your husband know how special he is to you.  Share it often and speak from the heart.  I think it makes for a stronger, happier marriage.  Here's to the rest of our lives...I love my husband.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Perfection, blah, blah, blah

I don't know about all of you, but I plan to stay married to my husband for the rest of our lives.  Yes, this is a second marriage for us both...but when you finally get it right, well you just don't want to lose that.  We are not anywhere near what society would call perfect, and I am just fine with this.  

According to Merriam-Webster they define perfect as: being entirely without fault, corresponding to an ideal standard.  Now I don't want to necessarily stand out, but I am not really a "fit in" kinda gal either.  The same goes for my husband, except the gal part of course, lol.  Sure I like some of the same things as others, be it clothes or a hairstyle but I am far from conforming!  I constantly complain that I need a new style, and to be honest I am not sure I actually have a style to change, lol.  But I am OK with that, and so is my husband.

No matter what image I have myself in my head, it obviously differs from my husband's image.  I know that all men think they are obligated to tell their wives they look great, the tell them they are beautiful, that they don't need to change a thing.  Now in a woman's mind, she is instantly thinking, "liar"...I, like most women will always have little insecurities about ourselves.  I too doubt at times when my husband gives me a compliment.  But its not a strong doubt, its more like, "Huh?  For real?"  And most of the time, I actually believe what he is saying to me.  Not because I am overly confident, lol...but because he makes me feel that way.  And that folks it why I am never letting this man go! 

I can say without a doubt that I am married to the most handsome man in world, just looking at him sets the butterflies off in my stomach. Hearing his voice, ahhhh!  Goose bumps!  I am not sure if he thinks exactly the same thing about me, but I am gonna guess he kinda likes me since he is still with me, lol.  My whole point to this blog is when you have that perfect person, (and I do!), hang on to them.  Even if there are days you don't see yourself as a great catch, just remember, they do!  You might not be everyone's cup of tea, but when you are just right for each other you over look the chips and imperfections...