The thing that I love about my husband is that because of him I still get butterflies, goosebumps and giddy at times. He does that to me without even trying. Marriage takes work, but love is effortless...when there is love, it's there. You don't have to force it, learn it or convince it. It is something that brought two hearts together in a bond so tight you can feel the strength. We can be in each others presence and not have to speak a word. I cannot think of anyone else better to grow old with. He is truly my soul mate.
Not everyone can be as lucky as us! And I say that with the utmost respect. I hear friends, co worker and even strangers at the store bad mouthing and complaining about their spouses. Of course you might need to vent once in a while, but just remember this...choose your words wisely. What you say can form someone's opinion of your spouse. Do you really want someone going around thinking your spouse is scum and your crazy for being with them? I think those type of relationships are possibly doomed. I am not saying you should never vent about things on your mind, but I am saying be careful with your words. They can hurt...just think about it like this. If the role was reversed, would you want to be spoken about that way? It's a mutual respect, either you have it or you don't. And respect is a BIG part of why our marriage works so well.